
2 Reasons to Having a Service Periodically Come into Your Home and Professionally Deep Clean Your Carpets


If your home's floors are fully carpeted, you may already make sure that they are kept clean by vacuuming them several times a week. You may even have a home carpet cleaner that you use every month or so as an extra step, thinking that you are performing deep cleaning on the carpets.  However, even if you vacuum and clean the carpets regularly, you are not able to fully deep clean them with tools designed for home use and should seek outside help.

27 February 2023

Two things to discuss with a cleaning business before using their carpet cleaning services


Here are two matters to discuss with a cleaning company before using any of their carpet cleaning services. Your carpets' condition and age You'll need to talk to this company about your carpets' condition and age. Their cleaning team will need this information in order to ensure that they clean the carpets whilst protecting them from damage. For example, if you tell the cleaning company that you have an old carpet that is quite dirty, but which has become threadbare.

31 May 2022

When It Comes to Asbestos, Know Your Colours


From time to time, you may find out about an unfortunate individual who has become ill decades after inhaling particles of asbestos. This type of horror story is all too real, and it goes to show how careful you need to be if you suspect an asbestos presence in your home. But what are the different types of asbestos, and where could you encounter this danger? Defining Asbestos Asbestos is a group name given to a number of minerals, all of which are very toxic and can cause significant problems for a human being.

3 December 2021

Considering Pro Commercial Window Cleaning? Why You've Made A Great Decision


As a business manager, one of the things that you should constantly care about are the conditions of your business premises. The first thing that clients and prospective business associates notice when they visit you are your surroundings. If your business and employees are in clean and healthy surroundings, the first impressions will be positive. However, though many people handle indoor cleaning, they may easily forget the windows. Others do not consider the windows to be an important part of the overall cleaning process.

25 August 2021

In The Market For A Commercial Cleaning Company? Read This Guide


Having a tidy workplace is not merely about making the space look pristine. An unkempt space not only increases the chances of accidents due to jeopardised safety, but it also increases the risk of outbreaks of contagious diseases. Therefore, for the sake of your company's productivity and the health of your employees as well as yourself, it is crucial to hire commercial cleaning services. These services not only take the hassle out of ensuring your premises stays immaculate, but they also eliminate the need to delegate the office's cleaning needs to your employees.

4 September 2019

The benefits of hiring an office cleaning service


Every office manager would like to keep their premises clean, but pressures of time can often lead to this job getting sidelined. What are the advantages of hiring a professional office cleaning service? Staff morale First, if you hire a cleaning service, you will notice an immediate improvement in the morale of your employees. Dust, grime and clutter can build up gradually and your staff may not even notice just how much the quality of their work environment has deteriorated, but it will be there at the back of their minds, and they are likely to feel undervalued as a result.

6 August 2019

Three Tips to Keep in Mind If You Plan to Hire a Cleaner to Deep Clean Your Carpets


If you have decided to schedule a carpet cleaning from a professional, you may find the following three tips to be quite useful. Notify Them in Advance of Any Particularly Stubborn Stains If there are stains on your carpets that you have been unable to remove with your standard arsenal of household cleaning chemicals, then it is sensible to forewarn the carpet cleaning company about these stains before they send one of their cleaners to your home.

26 December 2018

Two Cleaning Tips for People With Mysteriously Malodorous Houses


If, despite you cleaning it regularly, your home is still inexplicably malodorous, here are some tips that might help you. Start disinfecting your rubbish bins regularly One very common source of bad smells is the household rubbish bin. Sometimes, things like bits of mouldy food, used tissues and the packaging from raw meat products can end up falling out of the rubbish bag and onto the base of the bin.

28 August 2018

A quick guide to sprucing up your home's carpets


If the carpets in your home are faded, stained and permanently malodorous, here are some things you can to do spruce them up. Tackle odours with bicarbonate of soda If you have pets that sometimes have toilet 'accidents' indoors, or if you have young children who tend to spill their food and drink on the floor, you may find that your carpets smell quite bad, even after you have cleaned up the affected area.

18 May 2018

Would Move Out Cleaning Be Critical To Your Relocation?


Having to relocate may be exciting, but it is also filled with a lot of anxiety considering all the different aspects that you would have to factor in for a successful move. Not only would you have to wrap up things with your old house, but you also have to put measures in place for a seamless transition into your new home, and this means hiring furniture removals, applying for new utilities, changing your address and so on.

26 January 2018